Thursday, October 22, 2009


So, over the last few weeks my new addiction has become MyLifeIsAverage(MLIA) is a completely random website on which people post things that happened to them that day. There's no point of the website. I guess someone just made it when they were bored, or maybe they thought "Hey this would be funny and entertaining." I had no clue what to write my blog post about, but then I thought that I should write about something I actually like and I pretty much automatically thought of MLIA. So I've compiled a little list of some of my favorite posts. Hope you enjoy!

10)Today, while in the shower I noticed that I have two different kinds of body wash: vanilla sugar and brown sugar. I mixed them because I don't support segregation.

9)Today, I was thinking about how cool it would be if Halloween was on Friday the 13th. I went to an online calendar to see if it ever would be. It took me a good five minutes to figure out the problem. MLIA

8)Today, I noticed that the conditioner I use on my hair smells like bananas and looks like banana pudding. I tasted it. Turns out the similarities stop there. MLIA

7)Today, I met a girl named Unique. She has an identical twin sister. No one else thought it was funny. MLIA.

6)Today I was asking my kindergarten students questions. I asked, "What would you do if you broke a friend's toy?" A girl raised her hand and answered, "Put the parts together so it looks like it's fixed so that the next person who uses it thinks they broke it." I love my students. MLIA

5)Today, I got in trouble in social studies class. My punishment was to sit in a desk facing the back wall. We had to take a test where we labeled every South American country and its capital. Guess what was on the map I was now facing? MLIA

4)Today, my aunt was teaching my cousin about the dangers of smoking. He replied with "You know what else you should never do? Never, EVER lick an axe." MLIA

3)Today, on MSN my boyfriend said to me 'You're such an angle', meaning angel. He didn't understand why I replied 'Aww, you're so acute.MLIA

2)Today, I came home to find my son had gotten himself stuck inside a 70 dollar vase I had purchased for the bathroom. He is 18 years old. MLIA.

And my personal all time favorite!!...
1)Today, I fell and landed on a really cute guy while on the subway. This did not lead me to find my soul mate, or end with us giving high fives. It was just awkward. MLIA

And Mrs. Gillmore here's one more specially for you. It is all about a literary device[[:
Today, I saw that my ironing board cover was wrinkled. I laughed at the irony. Then I laughed again because irony has the word iron in it. MLIA


  1. Omg. Those are great. I need to visit My Life is Average and get s'more laughs LOL.

  2. Tosh, I'm officially addicted to this now, all thanks to you dahling(: Absolutely PERFECT thing to talk about(:

  3. I love that you and I have the same taste in these. We both seem to like the posts that you have to think about a little. What do you think you could use to post?
